Hcg phase 3 foods to avoid pdf

Omni drops program phase 3 omni diet omnitrition phase 3. Hcg phase 3 food list you can eat these 150 foods in. Continue to eat phase 2 but just more of everything. Avoid all starches and sugars for three weeks following the hcg phase of the diet then introduce healthy carbohydrates back into your diet slowly as you begin the maintenance phase of the diet phase 4. As you add new choices to your diet, keep a food record and note what reactions. In a nut shell till the hcg hormone is present in the body all the instructions as given for the working phase are to be strictly complied with. How to ramp up calories while doing hiit bootcamp in phase 3 of the hcg diet. You can eat these 150 low carb foods in hcg phase 3 food list. The hcg diet is meant to promote a healthier lifestyle through careful consideration and use of less fatty foods and products. Top 7 diet mistakes for hcg maintenance lose weight fast doit. In the first 3 weeks of hcg phase 3, you may eat anything youd like except starches and sugars, but the amount that is eaten is controlled by your morning wieght. Consider branching out to celebrate all your lost weighttry some liver, venison, or a rare sausage and see if you like it.

The hcg diet is a very lowfat, very lowcalorie diet it is generally divided into three phases. Can i transition to the keto diet in p3 after finishing hcg. The lifestyle plan phase 4 after completing the first three phases of the diet and eating items from the hcg diet food list, it is time to move on to the final phase. Phase 2 of hcg diet is where the 500 calorie diet starts in earnest. In order to avoid writing two books, one for the physician and another for the patient. Sadly, no munching on 2 at a time as they need to be spaced out through the day. During the first 3 weeks of hcg maintenance avoid sugars, carbs, sweeter fruits. During this crucial phase its important to keep off eating any sugar or sugary products such as white and brown sugar, agave syrup, maple sugar, honey or high fructose corn syrup. Heres the 8 main keys to a successful p3 so that you can stabilize and maintain your hcg diet weight loss reliably without fear of gaining weight or doing a million steak correction days. Phase 3 is for three weeks and begins 72 hours not days after the last hcg injection.

List of high fat loading foods days 3 23 26 day round 3 40 43 day round 3 57 60 day round step 2. But their liw is not that lowest weight, its the 156 lbs. Meat meat lovers can finally let loose on phase 3 and enjoy some of their favorites again. After not eating them for so long your body would love to turn them into bad fat.

The hcg diet protocol the hcg diet was originally developed by dr. Top 7 diet mistakes for hcg maintenance lose weight fast. Since you will be eating more food, you will also be able to add more variety into your diet. The phase 3, the stabilization phase is for 3 days. Supplement your diet with healthy fats such as olive, virgin coconut oil, avocado or flax seed oil. Hcg foods selections for the 800 calorie hcg diet in miami have changed dramatically in the last 18 months.

Simeons original diet, the new 800 calorie diet also features what is known as the hcg diet menu phase 1 or the indulgence phase or loading phase. Simeons mentioned that for phase 3 starches and sugar were still forbidden while very sweet fruits like dates and bananas. This is probably one of the most important phases in the diet. They werent forbidden by simeons, and you can probably eat them in moderation in a meal with little or no fats, but it might be better to avoid them. Simeons manuscript a couple of changes were made to the following manuscript.

The phase 3 to life hcg maintenance program is designed specifically so that you will be following the best route to stablization and maintenance of your hcg weight loss, while having almost all the legwork done for you already. Remember that on phase 3 of the hcg diet, you are doing a lowcarb diet, not necessarily a lowfat diet. Phase 3 of hcg diet is what is called the maintenance phase, which should last for about 3 weeks. You want to maintain your loss within 2 pounds of your last injection weight in either direction. Hcg phase 3 food list you can eat these 150 foods in this phase. I put together this hcg diet phase 3 food list to help you make the right choices and avoid some of the pitfalls that could throw off your success stabilizing your. All foods are now permitted with the exception of added sugars and starches. The omni drops diet phase 3 is a threeweek period that you go through after finishing the drops.

Do you have a latte recipe that would be allowed on phase 3 of the hcg diet. This hcg diet guide is presented by thinnow, the worlds most trusted source for hcg sublingual. The foods eaten in phase 3 are not clearly defined like they are in phase 2. An overview of hcg phase 3 the phase 3 of hcg diet is often called the stabilization stage. No starchy foods such as breads, pasta, rice, potatoes, winter. Anything with sugar must be avoided at all costs in your hcg diet food list phase 3.

Stabilize your hcg diet weight loss with healthy and delicious food. If you are on the hcg diet plan, you have to be very careful about your cosmetic selections and the use of beauty enhancing products. Here is the hcg food list as required to follow up on the low calorie foods per dr. Even if you have not lost the amount of weight you had hoped to lose, phase 3 is still necessary before you can begin the hcg diet. Hcg diet phase 1 phase 2 phase 3 phase 4 high carbohydrate fruits and vegetables. Can i, and is it okay, to lose weight on phase 3 of the hcg diet. List of hcg diet approved foods for each phases hcg diet. With the hcg diet phase 3 is meant to allow your body to become accustomed to regular foods and meals, and to help you find foods and meals that help you sustain your weight loss. Simeons protocol it takes 3 days 72 hours for the hcg hormone to completely cycle through your system. Certain creams, ointments and oils can actually cause you problems when you are trying to get rid of excess fat. While nothing in the pounds and inches manuscript details the exact p3 food list, dr. Hcg foods new for the 800 calorie hcg diet in miami, fl. But they are often not ideal for most, and this is why. Of course, when not in phase 2, id add more shrimp and some avocado slices which would make this a perfect dish for phase 3.

The maintenance phase where you reintroduce carbs and sugar back into your diet. Enjoy eggs, cheese, dairy, healthy fats, and more variety of nonstarchy vegetables and fruits. During the first 3 weeks of hcg maintenance avoid sugars, carbs, sweeter fruits melons, grapes, bananas, etc. The starchsugar content is too high or the carb count is metabolized too quickly, and makes stabilizing your new weight difficult and can cause inordinate gains on the scale during p3. Start taking hcg and eat plenty of highfat, highcalorie foods for two days. Nov 07, 2017 this disturbs the burning process of the abnormal fats. Understanding food learn about food groups, the differences between micro and macronutrients, effective calorie portioning, and healthy cooking methods. Feel free to take your vitamins and supplements during phase 3. Hcg diet phase 3 foods list approved foods for p3 hcg. Since each phase and part is different, we have sample menus for both. See more ideas about food recipes, hcg diet and diet desserts. After phase 2, you should go to the 1100 calorie high metabolism plan. To be precise, this is one of the most exciting stages in the hcg diet plan.

During the 2 nd 3 weeks of the hcg phase 3, you can slowly add sugars and starches back into your daily intake of foods. I wouldnt mind eating this any time, no matter what phase or diet i am on. Sunday no hcg, 500 calorie diet still monday no hcg, 500 calorie diet still tuesday, 1st day of p3. All meats are allowed, and you can slowly add in dairy products such as yogurt and cheese. This is the most important phase of the diet and quite possibly the hardest.

What you can eat, and how to stabilize your weight loss with healthy foods during the 3. Phase 3 of the hcg diet, which we call the stabilization phase, opens up all sorts of new food options. Its all due to the popularity of the keto diet and the introduction of many of the prepared foods that can be shared with the hcg and keto diets. The hcg diet food list your must follow guide jan 2020.

Remember, during the 1 st 3 weeks of the hcg maintenance phase hcg p3, you must avoid sugars and starches. This weight loss diet involves use of the hormone hcg to reduce appetite and cause weight loss. Why is the fruit in phase 2 not allowed in phase 3 of the hcg diet. Simeons clearly stated fats, oils, creams and ointments applied to the skin are absorbed and interfere with weight reduction by hcg just as if. Its better to stick to the dozens of low starch vegetables during phase 3 such as. Phase 3 of the protocol is what we call the maintenance phase. All other fresh, whole fruits are hcg phase 3 approved in moderation. Phase 3 hcg diet approved foods natures alternatives.

For the first two to three days you will be allowed to indulge in whatever foods you. If your weight goes above the 2lb window, start the three week p3 period over again. Carrots, corn, peas, and potatoes are absolutely loaded with starch, and youll have to be really careful with them during hcg diet phase 3. For 3 weeks following phase 2, do not eat sugars or starches. The goal of phase 3 of the hcg diet is to maintain your weight loss and to slowly increase your calories from the 500 you were eating in phase 2 up to 12001500. There are rules to consider when doing the omni drops phase 3 plan, especially on the approved food list in omni diet phase 3. The 23day program the 40day program diet preparation tips to help ensure success mental preparation. These are foods that the majority find it best to avoid in phase 3.

Phase 3 of the hcg diet is the most important phase of all the three phases. Three, four, or six weeks after finishing phase 2 drops. Hcg diet phase 3 foods list approved foods for p3 hcg diet info. This means that now that your body has become accustomed to the hcg intake and the lowcalorie diet, it is now time to put a halt to the hcg intake, and allow your body a few days to flush the hcg out of your system. Make sure youre well aware of the hcg phase 3 foods to avoid, stay away from them while sticking to your hcg diet food list phase 3, and you should be all set. Simeons does explicitly say to avoid sugar and starch at this time. The type of fats that can lead to weight gain during phase 3 include fats from dairy products such as cheese, butter and cream, fats from any processed food and trans fats, margarine, commercial baked foods, deep fried foods, candy, and vegetable shortening. This phase is also called the stabilization phase as it is when you stabilize your metabolism thereby maintaining the results you have achieved during the last two phases after following the hcg diet protocol however it is very easy to make mistakes during this hcg diet phase as you may be tempted to go back to your. When going from phase 2 to phase 3 it can sometimes be hard to get out of the trend of eating only twice a day. Minimum 21 days, maximum 55 days continue taking the hcg drops at a dosage of 3. Foods to avoid during hcg diet phase 3 hcg diet success. Sample hcg maintenance menu sample hcg phase 3 menu hcg. Hcg phase 3 foods to avoid will be similar to the same ones that were avoided in phase 2. I exercised 56 days a week before hcg with weights and circuit training.

So do yourself a favor and skip the ice cream, chips, and sandwiches. Hcg diet phase 3 survival guide hcg diet info hcg diet. Fruits and vegetables with high levels of carbohydrates starches are not allowed on phase 3 of the hcg diet. Also keep in mind that things like alcohol, bread, popcorn, pasta, cereal and oatmeal are not allowed on phase 3. The 500 calorie hcg diet may not be easy to endure for its. Ultimate guide to the hcg diet phase 3 food list, and eating guidelines. In the 2 nd 3 weeks of the hcg maintenance phase hcg p3, you can slowly add in more sugars and starches into your hcg p3 diet.

Maintaining the 500 calorie diet intake is highly important after approaching the last day. Most oils and fats are allowed on phase 3 and you can be confident in cooking liberally with them. Phase 3, the stabilization phase of the hcg diet, occurs when hcg dieters complete the vlcd very low calorie diet on phase 2 weight loss p2, and are no longer taking hcg. May 07, 2020 in phase 3 hcg injections, or other forms of hcg are stopped, and after waiting 72 hours, your body must learn to readjust to sugars and carbohydrates. You can prevent plateaus and boost the weight loss at any time during the hcg by doing 1 or 2 days of intermittent fasting per week. My favorite oils and fats to cook with are coconut oil, olive oil and real butter. Hcg maintenance is six weeks long, and during the 1 st 3 weeks of the hcg phase 3 sugars and starches are not allowed yet.

There are right now 2 typical approaches to phase 3. Meats top round steak ground beef 97% lean top sirloin steak. If you are doing well on the diet, there is no reason to stop during the 6week plan. During the stabilization phase you can slowly add new foods into your diet but need to avoid starch and sugar. This hcg sublingual food list has been developed and provided exclusively to be used while on the modified hcg sublingual diet protocol while taking the hcg serum ae27 mix with 4 drops under the tongue twice daily here is below the list hcg phase 3 foods you can eat. When you reach the last day of your hcg intake, you must stay on the 500 calorie diet for an additional 3 days. Have you ever wished you knew exactly what to eat during phase 3 of the hcg diet. In phase 3 it is very important to keep the fire we have started in our body constantly burning. I am also continuing exercising in phase 3, but again being cautious of intensity.

Maintenance phase hcg diet indian lake medical weight loss. So here are 100 new foods you can eat during the stabilization phase of the hcg diet. Whatever you eat must not precipitate a weight gain or loss within two pounds. But once youve finished with the vlcd the next most difficult part of the diet begins weight maintenance and adding foods back into your diet during phase 3. By this time the dieter has taken 26 hcg injections or 26 days hcg drops course. Its also an ideal way to maintain the weight loss after the diet is over.

Simeons recommended a period of 72 hours from the time the last hcg injection was pushed, as the stabilization period. So, weve made sample hcg maintenance menus to help you get the idea behind hcg maintenance hcg p3 phase. Also keep in mind that things like alcohol, bread, popcorn, pasta. Dec 10, 2016 foods to avoid during hcg diet phase 3. Be sure to avoid any with corn syrup or high fructose corn syrup. For ideas of what foods to eat, look at our sample menus for hcg phase 3. Now that youve indulged in your favorite foods during phase 1 of the hcg diet, now it is time to start the hcg diet plan phase 2. Phase 3 of the hcg diet can be divided into 2 stages. Food oils to avoid in your personal care product choices. Yes it will burn hot for a while but eventually it goes out. This cannot be done all at once, so this phase is done for three weeks to help slowly reintroduce a diet that would be more normal. I have struggled a bit with stabilizing in the first 14 days of phase 3. Hcg phase 3 foods to eat and avoid p3 of the hcg diet phase 3 of the hcg diet is the most important phase as you will be making the transition back to your normal diet and will start gradually adding foods back in.

Easy hcg diet instruction guide making the hcg program work for you. Most oils and fats are allowed on phase 3 and you can be. When you go grocery shopping, try to avoid things listed as low fat because often times they contain more carbs. Phase 3 days 4143 500 calorie diet only no injections. Be sure to have some version of all of the above available on your phone so you can use it when eating out and about, and at others homes, etc. The hcg diet limits calories substantially, usually to about 500 per day but sometimes up to 1,500, weinandy says.

During this period you will be adding new foods to the menu. The main foods to avoid while in phase 3 are those with refined white sugar and starches, as in grains and root vegetables. Hcg diet phase 3 foods to avoid if youve successfully made it past phase 2 of the hcg diet with minimal or no cheating, you should definitely be congratulated as this is no simple task. Since this is a lowcalorie plan, the hcg diet phase 2 will consist of limiting your daily calorie intake to no more than 500 calories. Click here to view 150 foods which are allowed in phase 3. During phase 2 of this round, i continued to exercise 56 days a week, but i cut down the intensity and duration. Phase 3 of the hcg diet lasts for 3 weeks and is the transition phase, also known as the stabilization phase, where new foods are introduced after the rigid list of allowed foods from phase 2.

Think of a fireplace, you dont throw all the wood in it at once. Taylor minchey npc family nurse practitioner updated. Recipes phase 3 hcg protocol phase 3 menu food list. Column 1 should include allowed foods that will likely eat, column 2, cautionary foods, and column 3, should list the foods to avoid. This is outlined in part 2 of my book, new 800 calorie hcg diet. On the 27 th day of the treatment hcg medication is stopped. Beets carrots corn parsnips peas plantains potatoes all forms winter squashes. Youll be able to enjoy them in moderation once the maintenance phase is complete. Simeons to aid clinically obese patients in quickly returning to a safer weight zone to avoid deadly health conditions. In phase 3, you still need to avoid dangerous carbohydrate foods like pasta, bread products, sweet potatoes, yams, beans, pumpkin, and squash. The very low calorie portion of the diet, in which you have to follow the specific 500 calorie diet plan. During phase 3 you will want to avoid carbs and sugars.

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